Diary of an Itinerant Writer
Friday, 17 October 2008
Victoria homeless tent park
Topic: homeless

Its been way too long since I posted here, but HUZZAH!

Read this article:


A victory for the homeless in Victoria, although it would seem the city will enforce that the tents be down between 7 am and 9 pm.  Still, a victory.

I've slept in tent cities before and there is the constant harrassment from police, as well as the public's attitude to deal with. With the current economic crisis homelessness is on the rise.  Whole families sleeping in motels, cars or even outdoors.  Foreclosures on houses and evictions from apartments.  Perhaps this will draw closer attention to this issue.  If not that, then maybe the growing tent cities in our parks will.


Posted by irishcrows at 11:27 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 18 October 2008 10:40 PM EDT
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Fear of the poor
It is a sad commentary on the measure of our society when people are motivated to protest because of the fear of declining property values or the presence of the dis empowered and disenfranchised poor.  It is the not presence of the OIM drop in that is responsible for the crack pipes and used condoms in the affluent Sandy Hill neighborhoods.  It is the warehouse like shelters that were meant as a temporary solution and have not become permanent.  It is that the much needed services for the homeless are available in the lower town area.  It is the days filled with despair, fear hopelessness and boredom.  There is little wonder that the homeless turn to crack, alcohol and sex to mitigate their circumstances.  I am quite certain that if those property owners were to suddenly find themselves in similar circumstances they would soon turn to same escapes.  In fact, it might be useful exercise if everybody had to spend a month in a shelter to get a slight taste of the plight of the homeless.  It would just be a sight taste, however, because they will always have the knowledge that at month's end the can leave.  The homeless don't have the luxury of that hope.  If the true measure of a society is how it treats its poor, then Wednesday protests would indicate we come up woefully short.

Posted by irishcrows at 10:37 AM EDT
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Poetry in New Brunswick

Some poetry inspired by the peace I have been feeling while in some New Brunswick woods.  This east coast wander has been so refreshing for my soul and invigorating for my spirit:



pine trees touched by the winds elusive whisper

as gnarled branches stretch for a desperate grasp

a glimpse of motion for the motionless

an ethereal backdrop to a sun glistened river

swollen with the springs runoff

sun dapples the moss on which i sit

bird song heard at a tantalizing distance

and i sit peaceful in the penniac woods

respite for my weary mind


the sun warms the winter’s ache in my breast

while a river’s breadth away lies highway 8

its asphalt beckoning my feet

and i know i will answer the call

but not today

today i rest on sun dappled moss

filled with anticipation


echoes of memories


the energy of my memories flits about this park

i wonder if  the tree and stones

recall the things i do

the laughter of my children

tumbles and echoes in the background

but only i can hear it


this grass nourishes the memories of many

this park has been the receptacle

of so many generations’ energy

the warehouse for memories of youthful days


as i sit in remembrance

there comes to me the sounds

of a new generation


perhaps the trees smile

at our illusions of permanence


shovel clangs on the barrow’s edge
another load of soil to move
painting a landscape with a laborer’s tools

siding slapped on the back of a shed
affixed with nails to this final wall
angles calculated for the remaining pieces
what another left as unwanted waste
finds find value in this one work

with sun soaked sweat
and rain rinsed determination
space is cleared for nature’s return

at day’s end awaits the buddha’s peace
rest in weary contentment
too tired for thoughts of myself

in this day’s labor - meditation




Posted by irishcrows at 9:45 AM EDT
Friday, 4 May 2007
Guns in high school
Yesterday they locked my daughter's high school down because of kids and guns in the school.  as a parent of a kid there i've been working at staying in control and trying to understand.

the lock down, as far as I understand, is a code sent out and teachers lock down the rooms. all the kids know is a lock down has taken place - rachel didn't even know there were kids with guns. they all thought it was another drill.

after the VT incident, there was an article asking will it happen again, and to what degree. well, they keep on playing this shit up in the media (replete with the prerequsite and repeated CNN footage) and some pubescent and/or marginalized individuals hone in on it. their 15 minutes.

not sure how to handle all this. while i am glad that rachel felt no need to panic (she thought it was another drill) it concerns me greatly (understatement) that they even have to have these drills. as for trying to escort the kids out, not sure if that would work with somebody loose with guns. but i'm sure having the power of being able to force a lockdown is pretty intoxicating as well. as for assuming the worse, that "lunatic" kids were loose with guns, that is the sad state we have arrived at. we can't assume otherwise, else we might just end up with some more dead kids.

look what we have wrought.

in short, i have no answers. it is just extremely sad. that in the end my daughter was imprisoned in her classroom while students roam the hallways with guns (the inmates running the asylum.) and even sadder, that she just accepts it as part of her school life.

Posted by irishcrows at 12:32 PM EDT
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
rideau street

rideau street


the world in four blocks

sussex to king edward

leaders and embassies

whores and the homeless

its only four blocks

walked in ten minutes

the only four blocks you need to see


the sidewalks are filled

people rushing for busses

arms filled with bags from the bay

cell phone to their ear

cursing the slow moving


teenagers huddle in the cold

waiting for a fix

the boys acting tough

do rags hung low over their eyes

ball caps askew

bantam roosters staking out territory


dealers whisper code words

you looking

neither side of the street is safe from them

scavengers feeding on misery

their gauntlet to run


the fur coats hurry past

the urine soaked walls

pretending the drunks don’t exist

eyes fixed resolutely on sanctuary

the mall or the bay

while the drunks pretend indifference

to the meagre collection of coins

in their stained and chewed tim horton cups


the panhandlers sit across from the scotia bank

accost you as you leave the atm

but atm’s don’t give change

and neither do you

so you mumble a sorry


the bars in the market

beckons those with coin

where you can sip your single malt

and safely study

the kids who ran away

the streets safer

than a string of foster homes

they’re huddled in doorways

out of the rain

with safety in numbers

that’s where they’ll sleep tonight


rideau street is home to natives

and inuit

by noon they’re too drunk to walk

or buy booze

so if you have no change

you can go to the beer store for them


i know many of them

they call me brother

not many whites take time to care

just another drunk indian

who can’t handle booze


you can’t avoid rideau street

it has bus stops and banks

fancy stores and pawn shops

its where you go for alcohol or weed

street drugs if you wish

a hooker if you're so inclined


dealers police these blocks

particularly one block

the cops are there too

playing their power games

until a dealer goes down

or a hooker gets busted

there’s always others to replace them though


walk toward king edward

with the constant smell of urine and weed

panning drunks and crack addicts

the rest of society rushing past

pursuing their dreams of materialism

its only four blocks


then you emerge

the gauntlet run for one more day


© Michael MacKinnon, 01/12/2007

Posted by irishcrows at 1:46 PM EDT
Hunger and obesity
Before I left for New Brunswick I saw a CNN clip about they're fancy, expensive SUV and Air Stream trailor (complete with CNN logo and fancy paint job) they are using to educate Americans on obesity. Somewhat ironic to have the money to do that while people starve througout the world, even within the US. A sad irony really.

Posted by irishcrows at 1:43 PM EDT
Wednesday, 28 February 2007

In January 2996, a group of Ottawa street artist and Ottawa Innercity Ministries initiated the beginning of an artists cooperative.   This partnership was based on the principles of Assets Based Community Development (ABCD.)  In a short six-month period a community was developed and pARTners was born.


Artists in general encounter several obstacles to achieving success.  These include breaking through and gaining recognition, trying to support themselves while creating their art and being accepted in a society that increasingly sees art as of little value in this culture of the bottom line.   For street artists there is the additional burden of having no place to create (except in the warmer weather of the summer when they can work outside).   On top of that, there is their need for basic survival – many are on the streets, in shelters or low income boarding houses (hardly places that nurture the creative process.)  Many are dealing with addictions, where feeding that addiction or rehabilitating it is their primary concern.  There is also the Safe Streets Act, which prohibits streets artists from selling their art on the street, where exposure in high traffic areas such as the market might reveal the next Norveau Morrisette.   When an artist does manage to sell a few pieces on a street corner they hardly sell for what they might actually be worth.  Finally, creating art is an isolating process, and street artists already start out with little or no sense of community.


Roughly, ABCD is a concept in which community is developed by recognizing and using the assets within a group to empower and further develop that community.   Rather than solutions coming top down from the would be helping organizations, they are found an pursued in a lateral partnership.  In the case of pARTners, the assets are the work of the artists, the lessons they can teach each other, sharing their own ideas on how to setup a show or display a piece, and doing the overwhelming physical work of setting up a show.   Each member has an equal say in the cooperative, contributes to the running of pARTners and show setups as well as contributing a percentage of sales to the coop's budget.   Though currently primarily reliant on grants, the eventual goal is to have pARTners rely primarily on moneys brought in by the artists.  Ottawa Innercity Ministries oversees the grant application process, the initial accounting and administering of the finances as well as proving a space for the artists and initial supplies, adding to the meaning of pARTners.


pARTners is an attempt to give the artists a voice in their future and a sense of empowerment.  Though a laudable goal, the results so far have fallen short in some ways.   Running an organization democratically and keeping an eye on the bottom line proved difficult.  Running large shows created a sense of competition amongst the artists and reduced the sense of community.   Yet, there have been successes and these successes have proven to be the foundation for the next phase of pARTners.  In the time since its inception some sense of community was created, artist did sell work and are now looking forward to the next phase of the coop as well as staging their own shows.   In addition, lessons have been learned from the failures and these will be incorporated in the new structure.  The next phase will see more focus on the democratic nature of coops and less on immediate financial independence, empowering the artists as individuals in control of their creative nature and their future as artists, further developing the community that has been already developed and developing relationships between street artists and the venues in which their valuable work can be displayed and brought to the attention of mainstream society.   As homeless increases, and less money becomes available for the disenfranchised in this increasingly conservative society, pARTners is a small attempt to remove a group of people from the disenfranchised and disempowered; to help them become empowered, contributing members of our society.

Posted by irishcrows at 7:21 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 28 February 2007 7:24 PM EST
Thursday, 22 February 2007
What is community?  An interesting question, and one I had not much considered until the last few years.
A decade or so ago, when I was still married and raising a family, my definition of family would have been fairly narrow.  My wife and four children.  Perhaps the kids I coached in football (as well as their parents.)  The one or two people I felt close to.  On a generous day possibly a few co-workers.
Then a series of events occurred that began to broaden that definition.  I became a single parent and my community began to include the new people in my life, particularly as I moved from the safe and insular world of marriage.  Suddenly I was confronted with a new concept of family, and with that my definition of community began to grow.  Yet it still had not reached its current broadness.  I had yet to experience the events that underscored the truth of "there but for the grace of God go I."
The details aren't important, and rather than sound maudlin, suffice it to say that through errors in judgement I found myself on the street.  All the plans I had made as a young father had somehow gone awry.  Fortunately for me, and unlike so many others, I had people who could and would care for my children as I tried to regroup.
What does this have to do with community?  Once I found myself on the street, living in shelters and eating in kitchens, I realized my community now included:  the homeless, the downtrodden, the disenfranchised.  Like them I sought more than just a roof over my head at night and food for the day, more than just the proverbial three hots and a cot.  Fortunately I was able to find places such as the Shepherds of Good Hope.  Here I can get in out of the cold at night, have a coffee while I read or perhaps do some writing, find chapel services to nourish the spirit, and find people with whom to build hope.
The true measure of a society is how it cares for its poor.  It is through the care and generosity of those who give that our society grows and flourishes. 

Posted by irishcrows at 6:09 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 22 February 2007 10:44 PM EST
Time to address homelessness

This is an article I wrote after the last federal election.  In light of this, the $70 million not spent is no surprise. 


It would appear politicians have little understanding of the plight of the homeless.  The homeless and street people are part of their constituency.  Though their votes (and this assumes they feel empowered enough to actually vote) may count as a small percentage in the overall voting scheme their needs and concerns must be understood and addressed.  It is not sufficient to pay these people lip service and it is certainly not acceptable to treat them with disdain and arrogance. 

The question was recently posed whether any candidates had been seen in the shelters.  The answer was of course but through the efforts of a local drop in center people in the community were able to finally bring their concerns forth. 

It soon became apparent that not only is this community overlooked and its frustration and despair not understood, candidates are little prepared for the anger that is a day to day presence here.  When confronted with this unexpected anger, the reaction was expected:  defensive while lashing out.  It should be realized, however, that drop in centers are not the House of Commons. 

The people posing the questions expect more than pat answers that do little more than patronize.  They expect more than "well, that's what you get fop voting in the last government."  There is more intelligence than the politicians give credit for.  They know more shelters are not the answer.  Warehousing the homeless is, at best, a stop gap measure.  It simply provides a bed and roof in cold weather and does little to empower a disenfranchised community.  Rather it forces people to sleep in rooms with several others, some of whom should be in psychiatric institutions or under medical care.  The have no control over the hygiene of their neighbor, the condition of the bedding, the amount of noise to be put with at night, or the safety of their belongings.  They are required to stand in line  and provide a dehumanizing bed number for their meals.  They have little chance of getting a shower in the half hour allotted between wakeup and breakfast.  This should not be interpreted as a lack of thankfulness for these services, just a recognition that is not enough and does little to empower. 

A move toward transitional housing would be a move in the right direction.  (It is recognized that in some areas this has begun, but the pace is too slow and not widespread enough.)  This would allow people to have their own space, take responsibility for their own welfare and day-to-day upkeep and feel they have some semblance of control over their lives.  This could be coupled with more low income cooperatives where people with a guaranteed disability income or social assistance cheque could group together to obtain a mortgage and run the place on their own.  In the short term, the government could guarantee the necessary down payment.  Think how empowering this would be.  Think about how much better these people would feel about their prospects when they are no longer turning over the bulk of their cheque for a room.  These room, by the way, because of affordability are quite often in buildings filled with crack and crystal meth users, alcoholics and violence. 

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of low income/no income people are not lazy, preferring to take their drug of choice and escape responsibility for their lives.  Very few people want to live waiting for their chouse so they can escapte their very painful reality.  Most people would love to be gainfully employed, exploring their talents in the arts and living meaningful lives, lives in which they would look forward to the breaking day - not dreading it. 

So we've moved them from warehouses through transitional housing to a variety of cooperatives.  What next?  Two additional steps need to be taken.   

The fist is rehabilitation for those with addiction or violence issues.  Current rehab programs do not work.  (For sake of this article I will consider violence an addiction since it quite often accompanies other addictions and is generally a response to some underlying cause.)  Instead they simply add to this sense of disempowerment.  The person is considered powerless over their addiction and must turn toward a high power, with little consideration given to harm reduction.  In other words, exchange one crutch for another.  Does a high power take away the pain of sexual and emotional abuse, generational dependency on social assistance, arrested social development brought about by early exposure to the penal system and generations of abuse or an all encompassing lack of self-worth?  So much time is spent in putting out fires that many people are just not being reached. 

The second step is retraining and needs to work hand in hand with rehab.  Many of these people are lacking in high school education.  To the majority they appear lazy and apathetic.  How empowering would it be for them to complete their high school or receive training in a trade.  To be allowed entrance into an art cooperative where they could explore painting and sculpting, writing or perhaps theatre.   

It is not sufficient to simply throw more money at the shelters.  This is throwing good money after bad.  There needs to be accountability on how these shelters spend the money, the services they provide and how they threat their “clients.”  I have chosen to place the word clients in quotation marks because it denotes the power relationship between the homeless and those that would help.  Currently solutions to homelessness and mental instability are top down, leaving the clients disemboweled. I am suggesting we need solutions that come from both the top and the bottom, a cooperative effort as it were. 

I know what I am suggesting is not without its difficulties and may seem a little naïve.  I also realize that homelessness and poor mental health are profit industries (thus the financial success of shelters such as the Salvation Army and the mental health professions.)  I realize that some people re not willing to accept help in any form, that they choose to live a life of homelessness and addiction.  I also recognize the need to balance our many   national and international obligations.  However, the measure of a society is how it treats its poor.  By that standard we measure up poorly.  It is time to improve that measurement. 

Posted by irishcrows at 3:36 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 22 February 2007 4:25 PM EST
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Money not spent

The federal government, in its infinite wisdon, saved $70 million it had earmarked for the homeless.  I guess this is another example of the compassion of the Conservative government under Harper.  You go to shelters in this city and see that they are in need of repairs.  Staff are being cut.  The Union Mission recently eliminated the 11:30 meals on Saturday and Sunday.  The shelters and food babks rely heavily on donations, and this time of the year is the worst for food banks.  Yet the government felt the need to save this $70 million.  All the while spending money on a war in Afghanistan that they cannot win.

Just one more example of the government's priorities.

Posted by irishcrows at 11:18 AM EST

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